Woke up at noon today. The above represents what's left of my breakfast. Raining. Love the sound of it - especially of tires rolling over water and back spraying into wheel wells.
I took the long way home last night via what is possibly the ugliest part of Los Angeles. Hard to say that about any one spot here since L.A. is 9 parts ugly, 1 part lucky. Most days I try not to look up at the beige colored sky. But that's beside the point, the point of this entry is about Panorama City.
Name sounds great, but the place is on open sewer, and I found out something interesting about it - Not only does it boast the area's most depressing Wal Mart, it's also a HIVE of filipino living and commerce. I had no idea. There's also Kaiser there in case you need the DMV of health care.
Here is the Google Map
I spent some time at Island Pacific Supermarket. Typical of asian mega supermarkets, small restaurants flank you on both sides as you enter all of which are vehemently CASH ONLY. And I fell right into their racket. I used the ATM/exorbitant-surcharge-fleecing-machine that is propped up inside every business that deals in cash only. I ate at Goldilocks against my better judgement. I think I am the only Filipino that understands Goldilocks as the answer to this question: What would the world look like if Louis Pasteur hadn't studied germ theory?
I ate my food begrudgingly while watching Wowowee on the big screen. Wowowee is the excruciatingly embarrassing variety show of bad boundaries which could be best described as the Price is Right meets Letterman meets Barbara Walters meets Let's Make a Deal meets Solid Gold meets Who Wants to Win 10 Dollars meets Who Wants to Be Humiliated on TV. It's always what's on TV at my mom's house and it's incredibly fascinating.
This segment was a contest round featuring a college aged girl. Before every contest, Willie the host fillets each contestant to reveal very intimate details about themselves on live TV. Tonight I learned that the contestant was the illegitimate spawn of her mother and the mother's Arab employer's brother. You following?
It doesn't matter. Willie got the kid to cry on TV and also call out to her father that he visit her just to say hello. The audience members couldn't keep the tears back and then just as things were tumbling down towards the king of all blow jobs - time to play speed round.
Amazing what you can find when you take the Roscoe Exit.
Woweweewow is totally amazing. . we should touch base on that later. . .
I was in a whirlwind trip back east and spent 48 hours in my homeland of Virginia and I was visiting my bro, whose wife is Filipino and her sister told Kate and I to go to Goldilocks! Thank you for investigating on our behalf. . .
First off, that is an amazing entry. Secondly, I want to support a sweeping statement about Goldilocks, though I think the one here on Mission Street is not as bad as the poop shack you encountered....?
I consider Panorama city a developing country -- in reverse.
If you live in the socal area you should consider getting help for heroin addiction with care and compassion.
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