Pillow fight in the morning, bocce in the afternoon. A was busy today. This woman is not A, this is Liesel.
In celebration of my birthday, Ethan organized a surprise Bocce Ball picnic at the Roxbury Park Bocce Ball courts. I love me some bocce and from these photos, you’ll instantly conclude that I love the caddy shack version.

The sun went down and we left no trace. Every bit of trash, every cheetoh that we smashed into the pavement, every bit of tom foolery was scrubbed from the place and we returned it to the domain of the somber professionals, a member of whom appeared on the court as we left. He was dressed all in white, his beautiful balls were in a wooden box, had his own piece of turf and the precision of a neurosurgeon. He was unfazed by our team, as we stumbled out with kitchen chairs, doritos, sun hats and left over burritos and hi fives all around.
Later in the evening, Ben came by in the Prius and took us to the LACMA Berlin Party. It was art and sausage. I hope he'll tell you about it.
Polaroids by David Stein.
great party, and Panama Yirko looks especially striking in Polaroid.
Super sweet bocce party. . .I think next time we all need to wear our whites. . .That way we can freak out the BH Lawn Bowlers and they'll show up to see what's going on and then witness Cattyshack II. . .
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