Well my people I know this must have come to a shock to all of you. Trust me it wasn't easy for us to sit around that table and discuss our impending demise. I know I was a factor in this just like the other two and I knew my days were numbered when I received an email from the New York Times recently. A member of the editorial staff has been following LABLOGitude and noted that my posts gave a certain insight and off the cuffness that they needed for a Los Angeles focused reporter. So I got the fucking job! Enough of doing this shit for free. You got to log on to the www.nytimes.com from now on bitches! I still love you all and don't think it's not me writing: "Four Wheels: One City" I know they're going to edit the fuck out of me. .. I'll leave you with this. . .
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I guess everyone has been wondering why I haven't been posting lately. It's because, I'm moving into a running commune. I found that jogging was my life force and recently everything has been taking me away from what it is I live for. The bus, work, my blackberry, and twitter. So I'm giving it all up and heading out to Joshua Tree maybe I'll see you on the trail or at the top of the mountain. Stay on the Bus! Love, A.

I'm just sick of LA. That's just about it.. .I'm moving too. Really far. Kate and I have decided that we need to lend our talents to the new administration. We are heading to D.C. and Kate is going to work with the new Guantanamo Detainees Release Network and I'm going to be a 32 year old bike messenger. It's gonna be dope! I hope to blog again someday soon but, I'll have to sell my computer to pay for my plane ticket so who knows when that day will be.
With fondest memories from all of us at LABLOGitude to you. Keep flushing. ..

1 comment:
Cheers all. Was so much fun. Especially all the Marquis de Sade hijinks we couldn't report on. Still have worms though. Call me at my office any time, I won't pick up unless you are a laid off GM CEO.
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