Saturday, April 4, 2009


Two nights in a row now I've woken up at 3 a.m. because of ghetto birds -- you know, those urban helicopters with spotlights -- and couldn't get back to sleep. I'm already prone to cutting out the sleep -- and this latest development isn't helping.

The sleep gods rarely visit me for more than 6 hours at a stretch. My friends Poodle and Tbean tell me that this is very bad, that I'm going to starve my brain. And Princesskatebl says I'll get sick. But this is a burden I've brought on myself. There's too many things to do, to keep up on, to think about. Like that nuisance of urban living that is STILL buzzing outside my window, I'm on a mission to cover a lot of ground, search for the elusive, shed light on new corners.

Am I complaining? Maybe. But it's 5 a.m. on a Saturday! Sleeping in is a luxury, one that I apparently can't afford.

1 comment:

Tiny said...

Oh dearest, come to my house right away and I will give you ambien. It's incredible.