6 17 a.m. Run out of my apartment with everything I need for the day.
6 19 a.m. Turn back because I decided I want to wear a different pair of shoes.
6 26 a.m. Run to catch rapid bus pulling up to the stop.
7 08 a.m. Step off bus on the Westside.
7 14 a.m. Verify with barista that she makes my coffee a double.
7 30 a.m. Begin mandatory harassment training module. Interrupted by a call from my friend who tells me annoying stories about her colleague.
10 02 a.m. Lead call with client and subcontractor.
12 49 p.m. Eat brussel sprouts and tofu at my desk while drafting an email.
3 p.m. Meeting.
4 p.m. Conference call.
5 13 p.m. Dash out of my office and head down to Wilshire to catch the 720 bus.
5 25 p.m. Ask a woman at the stop about the 920 express bus that’s passing by and she uses all the English she knows to tell me she doesn't speak English. I repeat my question in Spanish and we look at the maps together.
5 56 p.m. Step off at Wilshire and La Brea and head up to a private party on the 6th floor of a nearby office building.
7 p.m. Discuss horseback riding with two other partygoers.
8 17 p.m. Catch a 20 bus at the stop where I arrived earlier.
8 38 p.m. See an apple core near the back door of the bus.

8 41 Disembark from bus at 6th and Hope and walk southwest.
8 54 p.m. Enter Figueroa Hotel bar and bouncer tells me I look much younger than what my ID says. I take this with a grain of salt.
9 07 p.m. Sit next to a chatty man at the bar and buy a glass of Australian red wine on his recommendation.
9 27 p.m. The person I’m supposed to meet shows up and conversation ensues.
12:37 a.m. I realize that I’ve missed the last train and look up bus schedules on my phone.
1 01 a.m. Stop for an early breakfast at The Pantry. I’m sitting where I can see the grill through a window and the cooks are just feet away from me.
2 24 a.m. Catch a 20 bus and ride it just a short way.
2 51 a.m. Catch a 4 bus. Driver says it’s not in service. I’m confused but realize she’s referring to the fare machine. There are two women sleeping in a seat near the back door.
3 08 a.m. Disembark at Sanborn and notice that 4100 Bar is closed and quiet.
3 40 a.m. Change into pajamas and stretch.
3 47 a.m. Lights out. Consider how far I will run the next day before falling asleep quickly.
p.s. It was 7 miles.
Brilliant. The apple core disturbs me. Makes me want to personally velcro small brown rubbermaid waste baskets to the back and front steps of every bus.
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