So Hollywood is the center of the toilet bowl known as the movie industry here on Earth. This winter when I wasn't working or playing bocce I’ve been watching movies. So in no particular order of preference are the movies I’ve seen recently and a quick review.
The way I'm rating my preferences is I’m using the flush system. So if it was a huge turd that clogs the toilet it gets 4 flushes. If it was a sweet little picture that went down smoothly it gets one flush. I know kind of backwards but, you get the idea.
Slumdog Millionaire - 1 fluuusssh

Everyone knows this movie is awesome. Made by the same guy who did Trainspotting. I can’t wait for the screener to come out so I can see it again in my underwear.
Kung Fu Panda - 1 fluuusssh

Who doesn't like a cartoon that reminds you of Thundercats? Really great animation. Jack Black is hilarious as the voice of the panda and kudos to all the other cameo voices. Jackie Chan’s voice is in it too! If you have kids around and need to distract them for four hours watch this movie twice.
Batman: The Dark Knight - 1 fluuusssh

I didn’t see the prequel to this film or really keep up to date on my Batman sagas but, I must say this is a remarkably darker and more somber version of Batman compared to the one that had Mr. Mom. Heath Ledger is incredible; he should win the academy award. Must see with a good sound system. I wish I did.
1 extra fluuusssh for Heath.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - 4 fluuussshes

Why did they make this movie? And why did I watch it? This is one giant super turd. The only thing interesting about this movie is seeing that old guy get struck by lightning. Not the old guy above. That's Brad Pitt. Don't get your hopes up ladies and gentlemen, he spends half the movie as a baby or freak.
The Wrestler - 1 fluuusssh

Super dope. I loved this movie, Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei both give very heartfelt performances. The make-up/special effects stuff was really incredible and helped to connect you with the physical and mental turmoil facing “The Ram.” Must see.
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly - 1 fluuusssh

I know this is an old movie to review but, I just saw it. Beautifully filmed and a main character that you’d love to hate but, you can’t and you love and you cry. Super moving and like nothing I’ve seen before.
MILK - 1 fluuusssh

I didn’t really know who Harvey Milk was before I saw this movie and I’m really disappointed in myself. This movie by Gus Van Sant conveys the life and struggles of Harvey Milk. Van Sant mixed archival footage with the modern movie to illustrate a time in the US's history which isn't very different from today. Penn gives a deeply moving performance. I hope a lot of people see this movie. Another must see.
So I think that’s all of them. I saw that James Bond movie too but, who cares. Get on out there and see some movies!
Slumdog - 3 flushes, mostly for stupid second half, dumb no-career, gold digger girl, happy ending that will last as long as a white lady in a Mumbai police station.
The Wrestler - 4 flushes, with corn. I laughed through the whole thing, especially the ending, then someone politely told me it was not a comedy.
Haha ha ha ha.. with corn. . grossville. . .
I forgot that I saw Knocked Up too! FfflllUUUuuusssSSshhhHHHhhhHHh!
Gotta agree with Ben on Knocked Up. Especially the alternating tone of the flush.
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