See this garbage on my windshield? Most people call that rain. Around here, we call it armageddon. I have an indoor job thankfully, so my experience with this liquid anarchy maker will be limited to the night time commute. My prayers go out to the bikers, cyclists, peds, bussers, ditch diggers and all the Angelenos who have to be out there today trying not to get run over by cars.
For your listening pleasure, the Beta Band performing Dry the Rain.
Road my bicycle to work today. No rain and sunny when I left. I think the commute home will be dumping liquid death.
I have a theory. Due to all of the car washing that goes on in the Los Angeles region I think a lot of that soap becomes a part of the water cycle. It evaporates and then condenses with the rain and becomes soapy precipitation. That's why everybody drives like crazy. It's falling SOAP people! The rain is really SOAP!
No rain and sunny when you left for work? Where are you living now, Melbourne?
Looking at your picture I would say that you're commuting to Tacoma?
Shit be scattered! High and dry in mid-city. . .
It's a framing issue. That is the 405 North, at the Budweiser Brewery. Major stink town. The place looks good only from the freeway up. I tilted the camera upward on purpose. Total waste land otherwise.
When I needed a rubber playground I found these guys. They were great and affordable.
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