My mom voted for McCain because she believes that war creates jobs and was assured that a vote for McCain is a vote for jobs. So far these two wars have created jobs, but only for Dick Cheney and friends. I think she may have even voted yes on Prop 8 because someone at her church told her to. On my way home from Ben's and his old lady's house, I couldn't help notice the decor on this building on Hyperion. This hair place is run by gay and transgendered filipinos. It's where my mom gets her hair did. Wonder if she's been in a while. It's now extremely difficult to miss.
Earlier, Ben and his GF hosted Degrassi night. This was our spread. We loaded up, watched two episodes about one of the kids taking acid and slipping into a coma. We got back on the grub wagon and learned the Melbourne Shuffle, this version done by Filipinos.
I'm working on refining my shuffle so that it can be showcased in a parking garage near you.
so much fun so much .. .was that really friday? i've got to let you'll in on my 24 hr. toilet flush after the party. . .
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