Sunday, December 14, 2008

22 hours, part 3

The other third of LA BLogitude stayed in LA this weekend, as to keep the home fires burning. True to form, here’s a rehash of Friday. While it’s just shy of 20 hours, please accept it as the latest toilet flush.

5 a.m. Hit snooze

6:03 a.m. Run to catch the first bus of the morning

6:37 a.m. Move one seat over after the guy with scabs on his face falls asleep leaning against me

6:45 a.m. Exchange smiles with an older man in a suit as I wait for my espresso drink at the Starbucks in my building lobby

6:56 a.m. Nibble on whole grain toast and a banana at my desk while checking email

8:51 a.m. Stop into the conference room for another cup of coffee and say hello to my coworkers

2:03 p.m. Stuff my walking shoes and dirty Tupperware in a desk drawer before heading out to the office Christmas party at the Century Plaza hotel

3:15 p.m. Congratulate my bosses on their special recognition and employee of the year awards

3:58 p.m. Ask the bartender for a half refill on the red wine before the bar closes

4:30 p.m. Head back to the office to finish a writing assignment

5:23 p.m. Meet a group of coworkers at X Bar for the after party

6:18 p.m. Make impromptu plans to see a musical in West Hollywood due to unforeseen free tickets

7:08 p.m. Hop into a friend’s car in the Century Plaza driveway

7:46 p.m. Standing in line at will call at The Coast Theatre, overhear a casting director unsuccessfully trying to throw her weight around to buy a ticket to the show, which is sold out

9:06 p.m. During intermission, notice that director Floyd Mutrux is wearing iridescent clogs

10:21 p.m. Arrive at the W and order a vodka tonic

10:33 p.m. Head upstairs to meet friends of friends but realize a room key is required for the elevator; luckily a hotel guest gets in at the 2nd floor and puts her key in the slot

11 p.m. Read a random email from an ex boyfriend I haven’t spoken to in years from the laptop of a new acquaintance

11:14 p.m. In the substantially more happening bar, male friend comments “there’s a lot of fake breasts in this room”

11:27 p.m. Valet opens the passenger door for me and hands me the seatbelt strap as I get into the car

11:41 pm Cruise the 405 without gridlock

11:55 p.m. Arrive home and snack on vegan macaroni and cheese

12:22 a.m. Lay in bed with a lavender eye pillow, click off the light and dream of my morning jog


Ben said...

5 a.m.? Do you have cows to milk or something? I guess I'll find out Friday. . .

Tiny said...

Congratulations on your unforeseen free tickets. May you have more of these, accompanied of course by unforeseen, free hott sex.